Edition 38 2018
15 October — 2018

Bit of a late write up here but went a long to Day 2 of Edition 38. Still not a huge fan of this stagared format as I don’t feel the show is big enough and people leave before Lunchtime of Day 2. However, saying that, to get the most of this show I feel like you need to camp, then maybe a 2 day event is worth it as you are A, not bothered about Day 2 as you have Day 1 and B, the camping side of things looks around 5 x the size of the show itself.

While we are on the topic of camping there was a viral video on Instagram about some 17 year old lad tipping his car and popping a few things. I guess this is what Edition 38 has become? Not sure. Anyway on the Sunday there was a weird vibe.

Quality of cars I feel has stagnated. Not sure my opinion on it really, been going for 10 years but now find Early Edition much more exciting to go to.

Not sure if the previous wording is negative, but onto a positive. There were a group of guys from the Netherlands and their cars were parked near the stage. Their cars were exceptional, credit to them.

See you next year Edition 38 as usual.

Oh, has the price gone up? Not sure I remember it being £20. That’s nearly Silverstone prices.
